The other day I was conversing with a friend when it hit me, clear as day:
God's been teaching me gratefulness.
I think in every season of my life there has been a primary part of my character that God was sanctifying. There were years of learning to trust. There were, oh so many times of learning humility. There were definitely years of learning patience. Though I have yet to master any one of these attributes, there are times of intense training in my life.
It's like isolating particular muscle group in the body, while not ignoring the body as a whole. I can often trace a steady thread through my day-to-day life, pointing to a singular characteristic that God is training more intensely. Right now, this characteristic is gratefulness.
There are many ways God is teaching me gratefulness. First of all, He took me away from all that is familiar and brought me halfway around the globe to Romania. Many of the people, places, and things that I was grateful for were gone, or at least quite far away. Yet, I was never alone. My Heavenly Father's presence was made known in a mighty way. I was also blessed with many new friends who bent over backwards to bless and welcome me. I had no idea how important these people would be to me. I was also incredibly grateful for technology and the ways that I AM able to stay in contact with friends and family in the States.
There are countless other little ways God has been teaching me gratefulness. It's a daily process. Living in a new country and culture, I am often tempted to complain about how things are here. I'm also often tempted to spend time missing people, places & things at home. However, spending time bemoaning the things I don't have only distracts me from the blessings I DO have. So, I'm practicing being thankful in every circumstance. Even when I'm overwhelmed, confused, frustrated or lost, I'm learning to choose gratefulness.

God teaches me gratefulness each day as I walk down my sidewalk and see men, women and children digging through the garbage. It's like a smack in the face, or a megaphone sized reminder to: STOP COMPLAINING! I'm constantly reminded to stop wishing for more/bigger/better/different. I am incredibly blessed. I have churches, families and individuals who support me so that I can follow God's call on my life and serve Him in Romania. I get to serve here because the Body of Christ saw God's heart for the people of Romania. The Body of Christ saw God's call on my life and chose to enter in His service through their prayers, encouragement AND finances. It's so incredible; I'm continually amazed and thanking my Lord for the beautiful way in which He provides for my needs.
God is teaching me gratefulness for His presence. He is teaching me to look for Him through it all.

I see Him in the eyes of the smile of my neighbor, in the hug from a friend, in the changing fall leaves, in the living, growing pain of sore muscles, in the sun glittering across the river, in the pink hues of a sunset, in the giggles of little children, in the wrinkled faces of weathered women, in the tongue twisting failures of new language, in the weary process of buying & registering a car, in the rapid forming dust-bunny collection under my bed, in the painful molding & shaping of my heart, in the humbling failures of my days, in the crunch of juicy apple, in squeak of sneakers on a gym floor, in the tears rolling down my cheeks... Jesus is there, in it all. He is worthy of praise in each moment. I'm learning to truly see Him. Each time I see Him brings an opportunity to turn and give thanks.
"Be joyful always; pray continually;
give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Where have you seen Jesus today?
Did you turn and give Him thanks?
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