Soaking in the beauty and depth of our Creator! |
May first is a holiday in Romania. Somewhat similar to labor day in America. Most people don't have to work and all the kids are out of school; so, there is plenty of fun to be had. Since it's warm, many people usually head outside to camp, hike, cookout or just have a picnic. My American friend Sue had been talking about a place called Suncuius (said more like: shunk-ooy-oosh.) She said it was a cool place to hike, see a waterfall and explore a cave. We talked about going the beginning of May because a couple of us had birthdays the first week of May. Originally we had NOT planned to go on May first because of the holiday and it being a busy time, but in the end that was the day we went.
train went by during our walk |
We met at the train station early, to catch the 7:30am train. When we got to the train we realized we should have arrived even earlier. The train was PACKED with people, no empty seats to be found. So, we had an interesting hour and a half train ride. We sort of found ledges and steps to sit on amidst the crammed train. At home we would say that we were packed in like cattle! That's about what it felt like!
Eventually we made it and got off the train to begin our exploring. We went along the railroad tracks for a while until we reached the beginning of the real trails. Each trail was marked by a colored shape. We explored the waterfall a bit and then paid the fee of less than 2 U.S. dollars to go into the cave. It was actually one of the more interesting caves I've been in. Some of the caves in the States were just too big or commercialized to enjoy. This one had some character, including a formation that looked like a giant chocolate fountain!
OH MY are there BATS in the cave!?!?! |
Sue and Andrea by the giant chocolate fountain formation! |
After a snack break and dipping our feet in the water at the bottom of the waterfall we set out on our Red Circle hiking trail. Of course all along the way I was taking pictures of everything. The spring colors were vivid in the new leaves and blossoming flowers. It was a fun hike and once we got to the first lookout I was amazed at the view! There was a ridge of big rocks that provided the perfect spot to sit and soak in the view. I enjoyed climbing around on the rocks and finding a good seat.
The birthday girls |
climbing around in the waterfall :) |
Gotta love my Chacos & a great view! |
The trail continued along the ridge for a while in a sort of U shape. We came to another lookout from the other direction and stopped for lunch. I enjoyed my PB&J and homemade trail mix immensely after the hiking. From there ti was all downhill and heading back to town. Once in town we enjoyed a cold drink and some ice cream before the once-again crowded train home. All-in-all it was a fun adventure and I'm so glad we went. We had hoped for more friends to come along, but it was a wonderful time spent with two beautiful ladies!
Enjoying seeing the beauty of my God reflected in nature! |
A good friend recently asked me when I felt the most free to worship God. Well, my immediate answer was in nature when I'm out in the middle of nowhere! So, I was so incredibly thankful for this opportunity to get away from the city and explore what God created in Romania. I didn't have to stop and sing worship songs. I worshiped through enjoying the hand of God in the sights around me. From the tiniest flowers I think I've ever seen, to the giant trees and dark caves, God is manifest in His creation. When I spend time surrounded by nature I am reminded of the character of my Lord. For every creation reflects it's creator.
Sue & Andrea |
Wildflower blanketed woodland |
Thank you Father for creating beautiful places for your people to enjoy. Thank you for giving me an able body to hike and explore like this. Thank you for the opportunity for this Kansas girl to get out of the city and see some of the beautiful country around here. Thank you for loving me and blessing me far beyond what I could ever hope to deserve. Your love is incredible and I am in awe of Your magnificence!
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