I had the opportunity to visit an orphanage today. I had never been to this place. It was a family style orphanage; so, it sort-of just felt like we were in a house (that had a lot of young kids.) The friends I went with visit these kids weekly and, let me tell you, the kids LOVE it! There were plenty of smiles, hugs and laughs during our time there.

My friends had a little "program" planned. First, we introduced ourselves (since I was new) and told the best gift we'd ever received. Some of the kids had simple answers like a barbie. Most of them, however, had deeper answers. Loradona said the best gift was her mom (house mom at the orphanage). Andrea said it was when her birth mom came to visit her. Adi, who is only six years old, said the best gift was coming to live at this orphanage. Then Albert told the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. However, the kids were so caught up in the story and hungry for more, that he ended up continuing the story much further.

Joy had some crafts planned for the kids that included drawing spring flowers with crayons and then water-color painting over the waxy crayon pictures. The kids had a blast with the water-colors; they didn't want to stop.
On the drive home Pat & Joy shared with me the background of three of the kids. They are biological siblings and they have two older siblings who they are now separated from. Their story was heartbreaking to hear, and I only heard a fraction of what they went through. I can't imagine these precious little children living on the streets and suffering from the cold to the point of frost-bite. It's beautiful to see them receiving the love and care they need. Yet, those scars will always remain.
I look forward to going back and visiting these precious little children. Spending time with these children enlarged my understanding of the heart of God. God's love is perfect in every circumstance. Yet, we know from Scripture that caring for the orphans is near the heart of God. His desire for His people to love and care for the needs of those the world often forgets.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27
So glad that not all orphanages are horrid! It's so hard to get an accurate idea of how things really are from the States. I'm sure those kiddies loved you just as much as my kiddies do!
Loved a look at your day! As soon as I saw those little faces, I knew had to have had a great day! I bet it was a toss up between the kids loving you more or you loving them more!!!
May God continue to bless you as you bless others.
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