I recently finished reading the book of Numbers. Numbers is rarely the first book of the Bible I run to for comfort and encouragement. I don't always think of it as the easiest book of the Bible to get direct life lessons; however, it IS still the Word of God & 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful in teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness."
As I was reading Numbers, I was continually struck by the enormity of the laws and rules by which the Israelites were required to live by. Living righteously wasn't easy. The laws were strict; purification laws often protecting them from dangers that were still unknown at the time. There were all sorts of sacrifices and things that could or couldn't be done with the sacrifice. I mean, this stuff was serious, when a couple of Aaron's sons tried to do things their own way they DIED. None of this could be skimmed over in real life, as I have so often skimmed over the book of Numbers.
I began to wonder if I would think before I act or speak more if I knew I would have pay literally for the sacrifice required to find forgiveness. If I was giving up a lamb out of my flock or had to go pay for a goat or dove, would I not consider my actions more carefully? Or to create a more realistic picture if I knew my paycheck would be deducted every time I sin, would I not respond differently to temptation? Sadly, I have to say, yes. I think I would act differently and think about my actions more under these circumstances, or at least at first. Eventually, I would probably give up on ever keeping up with all the laws and sacrifices.
To be honest with myself, and you, I'm more than humbled by this realization. I'm really ashamed to think that I do not consider the price paid for my sin as seriously as I should. I so often take the sacrifice of Christ, the SON OF GOD, for granted. I seek forgiveness time and again and there are far too many times when I am not truly repentant. There are times when I know I need to sit down and spend time in prayer & I turn away. There are times when I haven't spent time in the Word & I keep on embracing the busyness. There are days that go by when I think selfishly and don't do a thing to serve the Least of These around me. Words come out of my mouth that are spiteful and rude. ...I could go on.
Would I still do these things if each time I had to offer a sacrifice out of my own means? Would I still do these things if I truly faced the facts that I am turning my back on my Savior and Lord each time I make these choices to sin?
I praise God that He is a God of abundant GRACE, slow to anger and abounding in Love! He does not expect me to figure it out on my own, but has given me the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the strength of the Lord within me, making the impossible possible! I CAN truly repent and turn away from the sin in my life with His strength. And how I praise Him that I don't have to live under the laws of sacrifice, but His once and for all sacrifice is all I need. How humbled I am to realize a little more how undeserving I truly am. But I will praise God for the blessings He has so freely given! How incredible is it that the Most High God calls me child. I AM a Daughter of the King.
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