This originally started as me trying to convince myself I was excited about heading home. However, my reasons to be excited about going home soon turned into reasons I will miss it here & I was once again sad about the prospect of leaving this place I have come to love! My original lists were much longer, and I won't tell you which list was longer. However, I've narrowed down to what I believe are my top ten.
Top Ten Reasons I’m excited about going home:
1. Being with family & friends
2. Hugs from said family and friends
3. Long, deep, personal, face-to-face conversations with family & friends
4. Going to my home church: Westview Community Church (it will ALL be in ENGLISH!!!)
5. Mom’s home cooked meals
6. Endless supplies of Dr. Pepper & Cheetos
7. Chipotle burrito bowls
8. Radina’s Coffee
9. Going running and NOT getting crazy looks or having dogs chase me
10. Nice roads void of the giant abysses they call pot holes here
Top Ten Reasons I don't want to leave Romania:
1. My dream coming true: being a part of God's work in Romania
2. My wonderful friend & roommate, Kelly
3. The Body of Christ that works together in the ministry to the Roma people here
4. The many, many kids in the villages I will miss!!!
5. The hospitality of the Roma people!
6. The church in Nusfalau
7. The beautiful old buildings and backdrop of beautiful hills & mountains
8. Ice cream (it’s different here)
9. Pepsi (I hate it in the States but here it’s yummy)
10. Fanta Madness
These lists are in no way fully conclusive. I could never contain all that I love about these two places. It's true: There's no place like home! :) But, I have also found it to be true that there is peace & comfort beyond measure when you are following God, no matter where that leads you. No comfort food brings the peace that comes from my Heavenly Father!
Allyssa, I've been following your blog and love reading about your experiences! I spent 3 months working in the slums in Juarez last summer and I understand how you feel about coming home. Are you going back to Romania later? Praying for you as you come back to the's hard but I grew a lot during that time.
Thanks for reading Aubrie. I'm glad to know you've enjoyed my ramblings. I went to Juarez with Casas two summers in high school! They were awesome trips I can imagine spending the whole summer would be amazing. Yes, I am planning to come back to Romania, thankfully. That does make the whole leaving part a little easier. Thanks for your prayers!
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