I decided I needed to start a blog to keep everyone updated, especially during my time in Romania. I hope that what is written here will be glorifying to God and uplifting to believers. I want to share the stories, thoughts, and struggles that God leads me through as I seek to love & serve my incredible God & Savior!
God has been teaching me to be aware of miracles lately. God is at work in mighty ways in our world if we will only stop to notice. There are so many distractions in this world and Satan continually seeks to sway us with his lying tongue. Even the Israelites, God's chosen people, were not able to keep their eyes on the God of Wonders! God continually provided for their physical and spiritual needs in miraculous ways, yet they continued to turn away and doubt. We can also read about Jesus' disciple Thomas was present and witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus, but still doubted the resurrection of Jesus. To protect against such doubts we must clothe ourselves with the armor of God! Only then can we fight the good fight, be protected & found pure through Christ. I want my eyes and heart to be soaked in truth, pure, ready and willing to witness the miracles of God!